I have published different research articles in journals and conferences, together with some books about computer science.
Journals indexed in the JCR
- Network analysis of influential risk factors in adolescent suicide attempters.
- J. Fernandez, L. Jiménez, J. Andreo, W. Ayad, T. Bobes, Francisco Ortin, et al.
- Springer Nature Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, volume 18, article 152, pp. 1-20.
- November 2024, doi: 10.1186/s13034-024-00842-9.
- Adaptation in Current e-Learning Systems.
- María del Puerto Paule, María Jesús Fernández, Francisco Ortin, Juan Ramón Pérez.
- Elsevier Computer Standards and Interfaces, volume 30, issues 1-2, pp. 62-70.
- January 2008.
Journals indexed in SCImago
- Aspect-Oriented Programming to Improve Modularity of Object-Oriented Applications.
- Jose M. Felix, Francisco Ortin
- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET), Seoul (Korea).
- April 2014.
- Lightweight virtual machines for extensible embedded systems (Spanish).
- Dario Alvarez, Francisco Ortin.
- Symposium of Embedded Computing (SiCE), Valencia (Spain).
- September 2010.
- Learning object orientation through a visual tool.
- José Baltasar García Perez-Schofield, Emilio García Roselló, Francisco Ortin, Manuel Pérez Cota.
- 3rd Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Ourense, Spain.
- June 2008.
- Dynamic Aspect Weaving for .Net (Spanish).
- Luis Vinuesa, Francisco Ortin.
- Workshop on Aspect Oriented Software Development (DSOA), 9th Conference on Software Engineering and Databases (JISBD). Malaga (Spain).
- November 2004.
- BDOviedo3: Data XML Storage and Management.
- Ana Belén Martínez, Darío Álvarez, Francisco Ortin, Juan Manuel Cueva, María Ángeles Díaz.
- Web Engineering, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2722.
- July 2003.
- The nitrO Reflective Platform.
- Francisco Ortin, Juan Manuel Cueva.
- International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'2002).
Session on Adaptable Software Architectures (ASA). Las Vegas (USA).
- June 2002.
- Building a Completely-Adaptable Reflective System.
- Francisco Ortin, Juan Manuel Cueva.
- European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'2001).
Workshop on Adaptive Object-Models and Metamodeling Techniques and
Workshop on Object-Orientation and Operating-Systems (OOSWS'2001). Budapest (Hungary).
- June 2001.
- The Oviedo3 Persistence System (Spanish).
- Francisco Ortin, Darío Álvarez, Raúl Izquierdo, Ana Belén Martínez, Juan Manuel Cueva.
- III Jornadas de Orientación a Objetos. Sevilla (Spain).
- October 1997.
A Flexible Programming Computational System developed over
a Non-Restrictive Reflective Abstract Machine.
Whole Thesis
- ISBN: 84-8317-304-2.
- Francisco Ortin.
- PhD Thesis at the Computer Science Department of the University of Oviedo.
- February 2002.
- Design and Implementation of the MA abstract machine and the reflective extension of Carbayonia.
- ISBN: 84-688-2783-5.
- Francisco Domínguez, Francisco Ortin.
- July 2005.
- Symbol Tables in Language Processors (Spanish).
- ISBN: 84-688-7631-04.
- Aquilino A. Juan, Juan M. Cueva, Francisco Ortin, Raúl Izquierdo, M. Candida Luengo, J. Emilio Labra.
- June 2004.