Research projects
These are some of the research projects I have worked in.
Projects funded by international institutions
- JEDI (Java Enabled Database Access over Internet).
- European Economic Community (Sprit EP 24231).
- From 1997 to 1999.
- Main researcher: Juan Manuel Cueva.
Projects funded by national institutions
Projects funded by regional institutions
- Quality Systems based on XML, Object-Oriented Technologies and Web Engineering.
- From May 2002 to December 2003.
- Main researcher:
Fernando Álvarez García.
Technology transfer projects
- A reflective platform for the automatic generation of applications for mobile devices.
- CTIC Foundation.
- From March 2010 to December 2010.
- Main researchers:
Francisco Ortin.
- Object-Oriented Modeling of Airport Management Architectures.
- B2B E-commerce 2000.
- From February 2005 to February 2006.
- Main researchers:
Aquilino A. Juan ,
Raúl Izquierdo.