Common characteristics | ||
Number | Microbenchmark | Test |
Integer and Long Arithmetic | ||
1 | JavaGrande | JGFArithAddInt |
2 | JavaGrande | JGFArithMultInt |
3 | JavaGrande | JGFArithDivInt |
4 | Pybench | SimpleIntegerArithmetic |
5 | Tommti | TommtiIntArithmetic |
6 | JavaGrande | JGFArithAddLong |
7 | JavaGrande | JGFArithMultLong |
8 | Tommti | TommtiLongArithmetic |
9 | JavaGrande | JGFArithDivLong |
10 | Pybench | SimpleLongArithmetic |
Floating Point Arithmetic | ||
1 | JavaGrande | JGFArithAddFloat |
2 | JavaGrande | JGFArithMultFloat |
3 | JavaGrande | JGFArithDivFloat |
4 | Pybench | SimpleFloatArithmetic |
5 | JavaGrande | JGFArithAddDouble |
6 | JavaGrande | JGFArithMultDouble |
7 | JavaGrande | JGFArithDivDouble |
8 | Tommti | TommtiDoubleArithmetic |
Rational Arithmetic | ||
1 | Custom | RationalArithAddInt |
2 | Custom | RationalArithMultInt |
3 | Custom | RationalArithDivInt |
Complex Aritmethic | ||
1 | Custom | AddComplex |
2 | Custom | MulComplex |
3 | Custom | DivComplex |
4 | Pybench | SimpleComplexArithmetic |
Bit Arithmetic | ||
1 | Custom | GGBench |
2 | Custom | LLBench |
3 | Custom | BORBench |
4 | Custom | BAndBench |
5 | Custom | BXorBench |
Common Mathematical functions | ||
1 | JavaGrande | JGFMathAbsInt |
2 | JavaGrande | JGFMathAbsLong |
3 | JavaGrande | JGFMathAbsFloat |
4 | JavaGrande | JGFMathAbsDouble |
5 | JavaGrande | JGFMathMaxInt |
6 | JavaGrande | JGFMathMaxLong |
7 | JavaGrande | JGFMathMaxFloat |
8 | JavaGrande | JGFMathMaxDouble |
9 | JavaGrande | JGFMathMinInt |
10 | JavaGrande | JGFMathMinLong |
11 | JavaGrande | JGFMathMinFloat |
12 | JavaGrande | JGFMathMinDouble |
13 | JavaGrande | JGFMathSqrtDouble |
14 | JavaGrande | JGFMathExpDouble |
15 | JavaGrande | JGFMathLogDouble |
16 | JavaGrande | JGFMathPowDouble |
Trigonometrical, rounding and random functions | ||
1 | JavaGrande | JGFMathSinDouble |
2 | JavaGrande | JGFMathCosDouble |
3 | JavaGrande | JGFMathTanDouble |
4 | JavaGrande | JGFMathAsinDouble |
5 | JavaGrande | JGFMathAcosDouble |
6 | JavaGrande | JGFMathAtanDouble |
7 | JavaGrande | JGFMathAtan2Double |
8 | Tommti | TommtiTrig |
9 | JavaGrande | JGFMathFloorDouble |
10 | JavaGrande | JGFMathCeilDouble |
11 | JavaGrande | JGFMathRintDouble |
12 | JavaGrande | JGFMathRoundFloat |
13 | JavaGrande | JGFMathRoundDouble |
14 | JavaGrande | JGFMathIEEERemainderDouble |
15 | JavaGrande | JGFMathRandom |
Comparisons | ||
1 | Pybench | CompareIntegers |
2 | Pybench | CompareFloats |
3 | Pybench | CompareFloatsIntegers |
4 | Pybench | CompareLongs |
5 | Custom | CompareObjectsReference |
6 | Custom | CompareObjectsByValue |
Flow control | ||
1 | Pybench | IfThenElse |
2 | JavaGrande | LoopFor |
3 | JavaGrande | LoopWhile |
4 | JavaGrande | LoopReverseFor |
5 | Tommti | TommtiNestedLoop |
6 | Pypy translator | test_loop |
7 | Pypy translator | test_loop_other_count |
8 | Pypy translator | test_loop_unrolled |
9 | Pybench | NestedForLoops |
10 | Pybench | SequentialForLoops |
Member access | ||
1 | Pybench | NormalInstanceAttribute |
2 | Pybench | NormalClassAttribute |
3 | Pybench | SpecialClassAttribute |
4 | Pybench | SpecialInstanceAttribute |
5 | Pypy translator | test_count_in_attr |
6 | Pypy translator | test_count_with_True |
7 | Pypy translator | test_count_with_global_increment |
8 | Custom | VariableAccess |
9 | Pypy translator | test_count_in_slot |
10 | Pypy translator | test_count_in_global |
11 | Pypy translator | test_count_increment_in_global |
12 | Pypy translator | test_count_in_global2 |
13 | JavaGrande | AssignSameScalarLocal |
14 | JavaGrande | AssignSameScalarInstance |
15 | JavaGrande | AssignSameScalarClass |
16 | JavaGrande | AssignOtherScalarInstance |
17 | JavaGrande | AssignOtherScalarClass |
18 | JavaGrande | AssignSameArrayLocal |
19 | JavaGrande | AssignSameArrayInstance |
20 | JavaGrande | AssignSameArrayClass |
21 | JavaGrande | AssignOtherArrayInstance |
22 | JavaGrande | AssignOtherArrayClass |
Invokation | ||
1 | Pybench | PythonFunctionCalls |
2 | Pybench | ComplexPythonFunctionCalls |
3 | Pypy translator | test_call_function |
4 | Pypy translator | test_call_nested_function |
5 | Pypy translator | test_call_nested_function_other_count |
6 | Pypy translator | test_call_nested_function_many_args |
7 | Pypy translator | test_call_function_with_arguments_in_cellvars |
8 | Pypy translator | test_call_function_without_arguments_in_cellvars |
9 | Pypy translator | test_call_1 |
10 | Pypy translator | test_call_2 |
11 | Pypy translator | test_call_3 |
12 | Pypy translator | test_call_4 |
13 | Pypy translator | test_call_default_1 |
14 | Pypy translator | test_call_default_2 |
15 | Pypy translator | test_call_keyword_1 |
16 | Pypy translator | test_call_keyword_2 |
17 | Pypy translator | test_call_keyword_3 |
18 | Pybench | BuiltinFunctionCalls |
19 | JavaGrande | MethodSameInstance |
20 | JavaGrande | MethodSameClass |
21 | Pypy translator | test_call_method_of_old_style_class |
22 | Pypy translator | test_call_method_of_new_style_class |
23 | JavaGrande | MethodSameSynchronizedInstance |
24 | JavaGrande | MethodSameSynchronizedClass |
25 | JavaGrande | MethodOtherInstance |
26 | JavaGrande | MethodOtherInstanceOfAbstract |
27 | JavaGrande | MethodOtherClass |
28 | Pybench | Recursion |
29 | Pybench | PythonInnerClassMethodCalls |
Exception Handling | ||
1 | JavaGrande | ExceptionThrow |
2 | JavaGrande | ExceptionNew |
3 | JavaGrande | ExceptionMethod |
4 | Pybench | TryRaiseExcept |
5 | Tommti | TommtiExcept |
6 | Pypy translator | test_raise_builtin_exception |
7 | Pypy translator | test_raise_user_exception |
8 | Pypy translator | test_except_specific_builtin_exception |
9 | Pypy translator | test_except_multiple_builtin_exception |
10 | Pypy translator | test_except_specific_user_exception |
11 | Pypy translator | test_except_multiple_user_exception |
12 | Pypy translator | test_reraise |
13 | Pybench | TryExcept |
14 | Pypy translator | test_try_except |
15 | Pypy translator | test_try_except_else |
16 | Pypy translator | test_instantiate_builtin_exception |
17 | Pypy translator | test_instantiate_user_exception |
18 | Pybench | WithFinally |
19 | Pybench | TryFinally |
20 | Pybench | WithRaiseExcept |
21 | Pypy translator | test_try_except_finally |
Data creation | ||
1 | JavaGrande | CreateArrayInt |
2 | JavaGrande | CreateArrayLong |
3 | JavaGrande | CreateArrayFloat |
4 | JavaGrande | CreateArrayObject |
5 | JavaGrande | CreateObjectBase |
6 | JavaGrande | CreateObjectSimple |
7 | JavaGrande | CreateObjectSimpleConstructor |
8 | JavaGrande | CreateObjectSimple1Field |
9 | JavaGrande | CreateObjectSimple2Field |
10 | JavaGrande | CreateObjectSimple4Field |
11 | JavaGrande | CreateObjectSimple4fField |
12 | JavaGrande | CreateObjectSimple4LField |
13 | JavaGrande | CreateObjectSubclass |
14 | JavaGrande | CreateObjectComplex |
15 | Pybench | CreateInstances |
16 | Pybench | CreateNewInstances |
17 | Pypy translator | test_simple_loop_with_old_style_class_creation |
18 | Pypy translator | test_simple_loop_with_new_style_class_creation |
19 | Pypy translator | test_simple_loop_with_new_style_class_new |
Strings | ||
1 | Pybench | StringCreation |
2 | Custom | StringAccess |
3 | Pybench | StringConcat |
4 | Pybench | StringSubstring |
5 | Custom | StringSearch |
6 | Pybench | StringCompare |
7 | Pybench | StringCompareInterned |
8 | Pybench | StringMethods |
9 | Pybench | StringMappings |
10 | Tommti | TommtiStringConcat |
11 | Pybench | StringCreationUnicodeWithConcat |
12 | Pybench | StringConcatUnicode |
13 | Pybench | StringSubstringUnicode |
14 | Pybench | StringCompareUnicode |
15 | Pybench | StringUnicodeMethods |
16 | Pybench | StringUnicodeMappings |
17 | Pybench | StringUnicodeProperties |
18 | Pypy translator | test_find_worstcase |
19 | Pypy translator | test_count_worstcase |
20 | Pypy translator | test_find_pattern16 |
21 | Pypy translator | test_find_pattern8 |
22 | Pypy translator | test_find_pattern4 |
23 | Pypy translator | test_find_pattern2 |
24 | Pypy translator | test_find_pattern1 |
25 | Pypy translator | test_simple_formatting |
26 | Pypy translator | test_dict_formatting |
27 | Pypy translator | test_number_formatting |
28 | Pypy translator | test_repr_formatting |
29 | Pypy translator | test_format_unicode |
30 | Pypy translator | test_format_long |
Module import | ||
1 | Pybench | SecondImport |
2 | Pybench | SecondPackageImport |
3 | Pybench | SecondSubmoduleImport |
Data structures | ||
1 | Pybench | TupleSlicing |
2 | Pybench | SmallTuples |
3 | Tommti | TommtiHeapsort |
4 | Tommti | TommtiMatrixMultiply |
5 | Custom | SetManagement |
6 | Pybench | ListManagement |
7 | Pypy translator | test_list_append |
8 | Pypy translator | test_list_setitem |
9 | Pypy translator | test_list_slice |
10 | Pypy translator | test_list_getitem |
11 | Pypy translator | test_list_extend |
12 | Pybench | ListSlicing |
13 | Pybench | SmallLists |
14 | Tommti | TommtiVector |
15 | Pybench | SimpleListComprehensions |
16 | Pybench | NestedListComprehensions |
17 | Pybench | DictCreation |
18 | Pybench | DictWithStringKeys |
19 | Pybench | DictWithFloatKeys |
20 | Pybench | DictWithIntegerKeys |
21 | Pybench | SimpleDictManipulation |
22 | Tommti | TommtiHashtest |
23 | Tommti | TommtiHashes |
24 | Pypy translator | test_dict_setitem1 |
25 | Pypy translator | test_dict_setitem2 |
26 | Pypy translator | test_dict_creation_mode1 |
27 | Pypy translator | test_dict_creation_mode2 |
28 | Pypy translator | test_dict_creation_mode3 |
29 | Pypy translator | test_dict_getitem |
30 | Pypy translator | test_dict_raw_range |
31 | Pypy translator | test_dict_class_dict_getmethod |
32 | Pypy translator | test_dict_instance_getattr_instance_dict |
33 | Pypy translator | test_dict_instance_setattr_instance_dict |
34 | Pypy translator | test_dict_instance_setnewattr_instance_dict |
35 | Pypy translator | test_dict_class_dict_getmethod_old_style |
36 | Pypy translator | test_dict_instance_getattr_instance_dict_old_style |
37 | Pypy translator | test_dict_instance_setattr_instance_dict_old_style |
38 | Pypy translator | test_dict_instance_setnewattr_instance_dict_old_style |
39 | Pypy translator | test_count_in_dict |
Higher-order functions | ||
1 | Functional microbenchmarks | LambdaCreation |
2 | Functional microbenchmarks | HigherOrder |
3 | Functional microbenchmarks | LambdaInvokation |
4 | Functional microbenchmarks | FunctionCurrying |
5 | Functional microbenchmarks | FunctionMap |
6 | Functional microbenchmarks | FunctionFilter |
7 | Functional microbenchmarks | FunctionReduce |
I/O | ||
Number | Microbenchmark | Test |
1 | JavaGrande | IOLinkList |
2 | JavaGrande | IOBinaryTree |
3 | JavaGrande | IOVector |
4 | JavaGrande | IOArray |
5 | Tommti | TommtiIO |
Threads and Processes | ||
Number | Microbenchmark | Test |
Threads | ||
1 | Custom | ThreadCreation |
2 | Custom | ThreadRunAndJoin |
3 | Custom | ThreadRunAndJoinSynchronization |
Process | ||
1 | Custom | ProcessCall |
2 | Custom | ProcessCheckCall |
3 | Custom | ProcessCheckOutput |
4 | Custom | ProcessPopen |
I/O | ||
Number | Suite | Benchmark |
1 | Computer Shootout Language Benchmarks | RegexDNA |
2 | Computer Shootout Language Benchmarks | ReverseComplement |
Multithreading | ||
Number | Suite | Benchmark |
1 | Unladen swallow | Multithreading |
2 | Unladen swallow | UnpackSequence |
3 | Computer Shootout Language Benchmarks | ThreadRing |
Metaprogramming | ||
Number | Suite | Benchmark |
1 | Unladen swallow | Json |
2 | Unladen swallow | Pickle |
3 | Unladen swallow | PickleList |
4 | Unladen swallow | PickleUnpickle |
5 | Unladen swallow | PickleUnpickleList |
6 | Unladen swallow | PickleDict |
7 | Unladen swallow | JsonLoad |
8 | Parrot benchmarks | B0Compiler |
9 | Parrot benchmarks | B4Compiler |
10 | Intercessive Pybench | instancesDynamic |
11 | Intercessive Pybench | lookupsDynamic |
12 | Intercessive Pybench | callsDynamic |
13 | Dynamic inheritance | PybenchDynamicInheritance |
14 | Dynamic inheritance | ShootoutDynamicInheritance |
15 | Dynamic inheritance | WordcountDynamicInheritance |
16 | Dynamic inheritance | ProductsManager |
Common operations | |
Number | Program |
1 | AdatronSVM |
2 | MazeSolver |
3 | AntColonyOptimization |
4 | BarnesHut |
5 | BrainfuckInterpreter |
6 | ChaosgameFractals |
7 | Chess |
8 | RGBConverter |
9 | Dijkstra |
10 | DijkstraBidirectional |
11 | Genetic |
12 | Genetic2 |
13 | KanoodlePuzzle |
14 | LinearAlgebra |
15 | LoopNodes |
16 | Mandelbrot2 |
17 | AmbientOcclusionRenderer |
18 | Minilight |
19 | MaximumMatchingGraphs |
20 | ColorPatternsShells |
21 | OthelloGrame |
22 | PathTracer |
23 | SatSolver |
24 | RayTracer |
25 | Richards |
26 | RubikSolver |
27 | Score4Game |
28 | SHAImplementation |
29 | PrimesSieveOfAtkin |
30 | Sokoban |
31 | SudokuSolver1 |
32 | SudokuSolver3 |
33 | SudokuSolver4 |
34 | Voronoi |
35 | Go |
36 | mandelbrotSimple |
37 | Mastermind2 |
38 | NeuralNetwork |
39 | RubikSolver2 |
40 | SolitaireEncryption |
I/O | |
Number | Program |
1 | ArithmeticCompressor_EncodeDecode |
2 | BlockCompression |
3 | Hq2xFilter |
4 | LempelZiv |
5 | NaturalLanguageParserPLCFRS |
6 | RSync |
7 | SudokuSolver2 |
8 | JpegDecoder |
Multithreading | |
Number | Program |
1 | ConwayGameOfLife |
2 | SudokuSolver5 |
3 | TicTacToe |
4 | Mastermind |
Metaprogramming | |
Number | Program |
1 | test_Ace |
2 | test_AlignIO_FastaIO |
3 | test_AlignIO_convert |
4 | test_BioSQL |
5 | test_BioSQL_SeqIO |
6 | test_CAPS |
7 | test_Chi2 |
8 | test_CodonTable |
9 | test_CodonUsage |
10 | test_Compass |
11 | test_Crystal |
12 | test_EmbossPrimer |
13 | test_Entrez |
14 | test_Enzyme |
15 | test_File |
16 | test_FSSP |
17 | test_GACrossover |
18 | test_GAOrganism |
19 | test_GAQueens |
20 | test_GARepair |
21 | test_GASelection |
22 | test_GenBank |
23 | test_HMMCasino |
24 | test_HMMGeneral |
25 | test_IsoelectricPoint |
26 | test_KEGG |
27 | test_KeyWList |
28 | test_Location |
29 | test_Medline |
30 | test_Motif |
31 | test_NCBIStandalone |
32 | test_NCBITextParser |
33 | test_NCBIXML |
34 | test_Nexus |
35 | test_NNExclusiveOr |
36 | test_NNGene |
37 | test_NNGeneral |
38 | test_PAML_baseml |
39 | test_PAML_codeml |
40 | test_PAML_yn00 |
41 | test_ParserSupport |
42 | test_Pathway |
43 | test_Phd |
44 | test_Phylo |
45 | test_PhyloXML |
46 | test_PopGen_FDist_nodepend |
47 | test_PopGen_GenePop_nodepend |
48 | test_PopGen_SimCoal_nodepend |
49 | test_ProtParam |
50 | test_Restriction |
51 | test_SCOP_Astral |
52 | test_SCOP_Cla |
53 | test_SCOP_Des |
54 | test_SCOP_Dom |
55 | test_SCOP_Hie |
56 | test_SCOP_Raf |
57 | test_SCOP_Residues |
58 | test_SCOP_Scop |
59 | test_SeqIO |
60 | test_SeqIO_AbiIO |
61 | test_SeqIO_convert |
62 | test_SeqIO_FastaIO |
63 | test_SeqIO_features |
64 | test_SeqIO_index |
65 | test_SeqIO_QualityIO |
66 | test_SeqIO_SeqXML |
67 | test_SeqIO_write |
68 | test_SeqRecord |
69 | test_SeqUtils |
70 | test_Seq_objs |
71 | test_SffIO |
72 | test_SwissProt |
73 | test_translate |
74 | test_Tutorial |
75 | test_Uniprot |
76 | test_align |
77 | test_bgzf |
78 | test_geo |
79 | test_pairwise2 |
80 | test_prodoc |
81 | test_prosite1 |
82 | test_prosite2 |
83 | test_seq |
84 | test_PopGen_SimCoal_nodepend |
85 | test_UniGene |
I/O | |
Number | Application |
1 | 2to3 |
2 | BlindElephant |
3 | Pyramid Web Framework |
4 | Volatility Framework |
Multithreading | |
Number | Application |
1 | SpamBayes |
2 | SQLMap |
3 | Web2Py Web framework |